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First Responders Honoured

On April 5th, Osoyoos area First Responders were acknowledged and honoured for their work with the presentation of contributions resulting from the January 28th First Responders' Gala at Spirit Ridge Resort. Each of the following organizations received $1,100. Presentations from Club President Elliott Friedrich and President Elect Larry Stone to:

Osoyoos RCMP Detachment, represented by Sergeant Jason Bayda, Commander.

Osoyoos Fire Department, represented by Rob Huttema, Fire Chief and Gurvir Gill.

BC Ambulance Service, represented by Marvin Johnson.

Anarchist Mountain Fire Department, represented by Chief Urs Gob and Wayne Jasper

BC Search and Rescue, represented by Mike Arychuk.

Rotary's 2024 major project is the creation of a Water Safety - Life Jacket Loan station.

SAR's Mike Arychuk